How can I place an order?
To place an order you can write us an email or write us a message at our facebook page.
We suggest to be really accurate in the description of what you would like and to specify all the details eventually attaching pictures and images.
Is it possible to order something that is not shown in your catalogue?
Of course! It’s what we mostly like and do. Send us all the informations needed to realize your project, we will reply with an estimation of the price.
I would like to order a dress but I don’t know which one, can you help me with the research?
We are at your disposal to help you finding the best solution for your needs, however we can’t research sources for you. We receive dozens of messages every day and if we took care to recover the historical sources for everyone we would not have more time to sew.
How can i take the measurements?

You can download here the forms for man and woman, fill them accurately and send them to us. If you need, seek the help of someone or write us to have some hints.
How long will it take to complete my order?
It depends on its complexity and on the waiting list, it can vary from a few days to a few months. You will receive accurate time information once the details have been defined and before confirming.
When is my order confirmed?
Depending on what you ask, you may be asked to pay an advance equal to 30% of the price or the cost of the material. This payment confirms your reservation and you will receive a message or an email from us once it has been received.
How can I pay?
You can pay by bank transfer. If you visit us in the markets we attend or in our laboratory you can make purchases with debit and credit card.
Do you accept Paypal?
Yes, but with some reservations. Write to us if you wish to use this payment system.
How will I receive what I have commissioned?
We ship by courier, delivery times vary from 24/48 hours for domestic shipments and up to 7 working days for those outside Italy.
Do you ship all over the world?
We can deliver your order wherever you want, the cost of shipping varies depending on the weight of the package and the location of destination.
Do you offer assistance after the sale?
Yes, if your clothes need repairs or modifications, you can write us to find the most appropriate solution. We wish to follow our customers over time in order to offer the best possible service.
What happens if what I have received is not good?
It may happen to make a mistake but do not worry, write to us immediately reporting the problem. We will provide a change or modification of what is not good.